Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to course

    2. Course aims

    1. Growing concerns

    2. It's not just rugby

    3. Remembering the benefits of sport

    4. Did you know?

    1. What we know about concussion

    2. Forces through the head

    3. What's happening inside the brain?

    4. Did you know?

    1. Reducing risk through good management

    2. Immediate risks

    3. Medium-term risks

    4. Long-term risks

    5. Section summary

    6. Did you know?

    1. Keeping it simple

    2. Signs & symptoms of concussion

    3. Common mistakes

    4. Scenarios - putting what you've learnt so far into practice

    1. Immediate management

    2. Early management (including return to the classroom)

    3. Return to Physical Activity & Sport

    4. Did you know?

About this course

  • £10.00
  • 26 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Ensure you know how to safely manage head injuries